Hilf's article introduces us to the ideology that all new mediums are based and standardized by the performance and existance of old mediums. He suggests that convergence shares elements while adding new elements and increasing value of mediums. I was especially interested in the idea that as the web emerged it became a comodity and therefore was expected to adhere to idustrial rules, however it has now evolved into a participative culture with 24/7 access and constant communication. It involves a massive amount of converged connections with techology as tool, and incorporates all the senses while maintaining the historical foundations. It is his suggestion that we breakaway from if it works don't fix it mentality and allow the web to evolve and formulate change on its own.
Jenkins takes us into the fascinating converged world of the spoiling community and emphasizes points utilizing facets of how they operate. This sharing of collective intelligence is a formadiable force in its own right and has the ability to not only drive industry but change lives. It is paticipation of a mass scale drawing and pulling individuals into ivoking the utilizaiton of all their senses and bridging emotional ties through the printed on-line media.
The following article further discusses this war with Lost in the drive of industry, promoters vs. spoiling community members:
Spoiler Wars Heat Up as Lost Returns
Key Ideas
Article -
- Converging continues to exist, is on-going, and a convergence of historical and shared elements (p. 1)
- It is a participative entity that incorporates technical, social, industrial and personal aspects of our culture (p. 2 & 7).
- Technology remains the tool driving the large amounts of distribution of mass media creating massive amounts of connections and drawing us biologically and emotionally into its world and suggests for this reason we should let the web become its own entity that doesn't rely on the past historical mediums for guidance (p. 7-9).
- The ability for sharing collective knowledge (intelligence) creates a democratic atmosphere and empowers anyone to participate through a social process which meets emotional and intellectural needs of the members. (p.29,54, 57)
- The internet becomes a way that allows you to talk back to the TV so to speak by providing the means to discuss, argue, suggest, debate, critique and become part of the industry (p.26).
- Shared intelligence via the net is a reciprocal sharing of knowledge and producing of knowledge (p.27).
I would like to have more understanding concerning convergence in relation to revenue models and how and why it is reinvented through maturing of media as mentioned by Hilf.
I found this article as a start:
Henry Jenkins mentioned the fact that providing information without concerning oneself with other's preferences is somewhat totalitarian in demension. I would like to understand that statement with more clarity.
Discussion Questions for Class
Does collaboration exists with spoiling communities not only between participative members but perhaps an understanding also between producers and members as to what goes beyond ethics?
What role if any does ethics play in an on-line spoiler community?
What are the specific emotional needs met by participating as a member on these communities?
Real World Related-
The book chapter especially had direct relation for me. I was and still am a member of a fan spoiling board for the now cancelled show Roswell. At the time of its hey day we participated in direct sharing of collective knowledge while at the same time making friends. Today it is more a social outlet but it endures.
The word 'knowledge' has a letter d in it.